brand — Product Management UX/UI & Interacion Blog — Frank derFrankie Neulichedl


Award winning internal branding campaign

Award winning internal branding campaign

Award winning inhouse awareness campaign. Pannini style collectible stickers of employees and company core values which had to be collected into an album, helped bridge the gap between warehouse and office departments. Employees had to exchange stickers to complete the album and where rewarded with a valuable gift.

How to broaden a tv audience - why Sci-Fi has become SyFy

In various posts around the web you can find opinions on the new identity of the tv channel SyFy - formerly known as Sci-Fi Channel. While I don't want to go into the design details I want to express some thoughts why the probably made this change.

Shortcut to brand identity / personality through a questionnaire

20 easy questions to get a brand personality. Easy way to get the persona/identity of a brand. Use the results to check your graphic desing work and impress you clients.