Product Management UX/UI & Interacion Blog — Frank derFrankie Neulichedl

Pocket Casts Web Player launched (?)

I'm a fan of the Pocket Casts podcast player, but I missed a web player - so I could just play and manage my podcasts nicely at the pc.

And this way I might just change my download rules and subscribe more video podcasts.


Hacking GMail to use custom domains for free | Simply Ian

This is a great tutorial for all those guys who want to use gmail with their own domain, but not go the google apps route

Hacking GMail to use custom domains for free | Simply Ian...
The musings of a young software engineer

Hacking GMail to use custom domains for free | Simply Ian

This is a great tutorial for all those guys who want to use gmail with their own domain, but not go the google apps route

Hacking GMail to use custom domains for free | Simply Ian...
The musings of a young software engineer

Alle Android-Apps & Android-Spiele aus dem Google Play Store – AndroidPIT

The final "old" part of AndroidPIT is gone - here comes the new responsive app section.
I will have a write up of the newest design developments on AndroidPIT ready in coming weeks.

Alle Android-Apps & Android-Spiele aus dem Google Play Store – AndroidPIT
Nur das Beste aus der Welt der Android-Apps: Egal ob Spiele, Office oder Tools: Hier findest Du die besten Android-Apps für Dein Smartphone oder Tablet.

How to get the most out of type-ahead: Autocomplete and Autosuggest | Earley & Associates

Quick read with great impact?

How to get the most out of type-ahead: Autocomplete and Autosuggest | Earley & Associates
Many of today's ecommerce platforms offer the ability to create and curate type-ahead lists within the search box, some even including thumbnail images in addition to text. As the capabilities of the internet and Google make things easier and easier for the user, it is critical for anyone ...

"In-App Browsers on Android"

Totally agree. Not necessary

ignore the code: In-App Browsers on Android
In-App Browsers on Android. M.G. Siegler likes the fact that Facebook on Android now has a built-in browser, instead of sending you to a dedicated browser app when you open a link. Me, I'm not a fan. Instead of opening links in the browser of my choice that provides the features I actually want, ...

Simple Software Test Plans |

Need an easy tool to create a test plan for your website - Check out this tool.
You don't know what a test plan is? Easy - if you implemented a feature you want to see if it works for all (or most) users - this tool helps you guide testers through a list of things they need to do to test if it works for them and you can see the results.

Simple Software Test Plans |
Build really simple software test plans and share them with your team for easy QA testing. Totally free!

Open Sourced Logo Design - Example io

Open Sourced Logo Design - Example io.js

True to it's open source nature io.js is using the Github Issue tracker for design proposals. It's not too far from what I use every day, but seeing it out in the wild is cool.

It also surfaces the problems: the wildness and the luck of structure., Design is not just a collection of finished artifacts - it's an evolution. And while you can follow the comments and the new interpretations it's not as perfect as I would like.

logo ideas · Issue #37 · iojs/io.js · GitHub

Keeping CSS short with currentColor — Osvaldas Valutis

Love this little trick - essential for SVG, but also the other examples are interesting

Keeping CSS short with currentColor
Turns out currentColor has been here for quite some time now, but I heard about it only a few months...

Towards a more perfect link underline |

Interesting CSS Trick to simulate real Underlines - while we still should consider not using underlines at all, since they where just introduced to be used in case there is no bold font option.

Towards a more perfect link underline |
Towards a more perfect link underline. 28 Nov 2014. progress in underline text-decoration in Safari and iOS. I became interested in trying to create the ideal text underline in CSS after reading an excellent post about it on (and about) Medium. In that post, Marcin Wichary offers a list of goals ...

Fix Pen Pressure Problems in Photoshop CC for older Tablets

It looks like there has been a change in Photoshop that makes it not recognize pen pressure anymore. After trying out various tips and tricks I came around To make it short - you have to create a custom config file and restart Photoshop.

* Photoshop CC 2014 changes stylus use to use Microsoft system API's, with these API's you need to have Windows Ink enabled. These API's give better stroke results and improve the out of the box experience for users using Windows tablet/convertible devices. If you want to go back to the old WinTab implementation of previous versions do the following:

Create a file that contains instructions to revert to the WinTab functionality.

Create a text file in a text editor such as Notepad. Type in the following lines:

#Use WinTab UseSystemStylus 0

Save the file as a plain text file named PSUserConfig.txt, and save the file into the Photoshop settings folder: 

C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 Settings


Wacom Forum - Wacom Europe GmbH • View topic - Pen pressure not working in mouse mode with PhotoshopCC 2014 I've updated to Photoshop CC 2014 (Windows 8.1 Professional, x64) and found that pen pressure is not working. I use mouse mode - I switched to pen mode and it was working again, but I can't make it work in mouse mode. I've tried reinstalling the drivers, deleting the preferences... everything I ...

Cinemagraph Timelapse Mashup in Photoshop

Just realized today that I could "stabilize" a timelapse in Photoshop by adding a layer on top of the video groud and apply a layer mask.

How to make a timelapse in Photoshop is illustrated in a lot of articles online - but I have never seen this technique. It gives you some interesting creative options - like keeping the the foreground bright while the sky goes dark.

It gives the timelapse a cinemagraph look which is quite cool I think.


Tindddle – Tinder for Dribbble

Lovely idea - making Dribbble user friendlier by using a usage pattern from another app.I just wonder if the second aspect of Tinder is also considered.

Tindddle – Tinder for Dribbble Using the Dribbble API, you can discover new shots from players in the community to get inspired and enjoy browsing Dribbble in a Tinder-esque way.


The newest trend (probably not only) in Berlin is to show Bars, Burger joints and christmas markets on the publi transport map .... nice trend but be aware there might be some walking involved.

Landing page teardown: Serial podcast | by @mijustin

Some designers think that they are better story tellers than their clients - and mostly it's true. Most designers clients are not story tellers and don't know how to tell the story of their product or their brand. But people who tell stories for a living know what they are doing.

This teardown transforms a very clear messaging to a average plea for donations you can see on every non-profit on the net, on tv on the radio. We are inoculated against the whole "messaging centered around the consumer".

The messaging of serial is very clear and straight forward - no testimonial or cheesy pictures or background. If you are intrigued by the headline you read what motivated them - and then decide if it's worth your time and money. It's not about making listeners aware that there might be no more episodes - they know that because the same plea has been made in the show.

The designer would have known that and made other assumptions if he was a listener to the show. So please - the next time you redesign something into mediocrity - at least do better research.

Landing page teardown: Serial podcast
I haven't listened to the new Serial podcast yet. But I am interested in landing pages, and their current splash page caught my attention: The producers of Serial have made a classic copywriting mi...

Design Details: Android Lollipop Pt. 1 | Brian Lovin

Comprehensive notes and videos of Android 5.0 Lollipop interactions. While I see this interactions day in day out on my devices I like this collection in it's purity and simplicity.

Design Details: Android Lollipop Pt. 1 | Brian Lovin
The Design Details Podcast is coming! I'm excited to announce the Design Details Podcast is coming in early 2015! Each show will be a 30-60 minute conversation with design leaders in the community. Twenty-three guests have already accepted an invitation to chat, including Tim Van Damme (Dropbox) ...

Creative underexposure with Nikon DSLR camera

Interesting to read an article about a technique I already use. Although I mostly overexpose to avoid noise in the shadows.

Creative underexposure with Nikon DSLR camera | Nikon Rumors
Creative underexposure with a Nikon DSLR camera is written by Deci Gallen (Website | Facebook | Instagram): With the release of the D750, much has been made

This is a nice A/B test - for lingerie sales

Comprehensive article, some great insight.

This Lingerie Company A/B Tests The World's Hottest Women To See Who Makes You Click "Buy"
All lingerie companies hire hot women to flaunt their wares. Adore Me goes many steps furtherand the data is full of surprises.

Google Analytics is hard, here is some help

A nice list of Custom Reports for your Google Analytics. Find the best traffic sources for your website, find errors and more.

8 Custom Reports from the Google Analytics Solutions Gallery - Analytics Blog
New analysts have it easy these days. Back in my day, we have to walk uphill in the snow both ways to get decent enough web reporting. My first blush with web analytics came upon me when I was a marketing coordinator for an advertising agency several years ago. I got the hand-me-down grunt work ...