teamwork — Product Management UX/UI & Interacion Blog — Frank derFrankie Neulichedl


Brainstorming done right - again

Brainstorming is the most popular creativity tool - and most people do it completely wrong. Some do it partly wrong and other s get the idea and evolve the tool to fit the culture of the team. The title of this article is misleading, because it's about the evolution of Brainstorming and a specific use case, but still worth reading.

#creativity #brainstorming #ideasworthspreading #teamwork

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Innovation Is About Arguing, Not Brainstorming. Here’s How To Argue Productively Turns out that brainstorming--that go-to approach to generating new ideas since the 1940s--isn’t the golden ticket to innovation after all. Both Jonah Lehrer, in a recent article in The New Yorker, an...

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Generalist vs. Specialist

Who would you like to be, a Swiss army knife or a forged Japanese kitchen knife? Both have great "skill" sets and have been on the market a long time. In graphic design we have the same problem. Should a graphic designer become a generalist or a specialist? And as an agency who should hire?

Finding the right jobs for your trainee

I had in the past problems finding the right jobs for the trainees as I was caught up in my daily routine and when they actually showed up at my desk I wondered what would fit. I therefore setup a routine for finding jobs around the year to have them ready. Find out how I did it and the 3 rules for successfully managing a graphic design trainee.

What Digital Asset Management is for you?

What are the new capabilities of modern DAMs and how can they help you in your daily work. Here some ideas.

Organizing your files

At the end of the day you and you team have to work with the files every day, not the IT-department, so it's time to get in charge. Here a few tips.

The art director as a coach

Get more time for research and creativity by coaching your team to the next level of graphic design. I show you how to find the right balance between being a coworker and leading the team to success.

Establishing your role as an art director

Leading a graphic design team is never easy. How do you relate to your team, how should it be organized? Here some real live expiriences.

5 Myths about brainstorming

Brainstorming is the best known creativity tool, but still is one with the poorest result.So let's bring down some of the myths in order to use the tool the right way and get better results.

Your client is not a copywriter

As a graphic designer you don't care much about the text, it’s not your business - as an art director you must care about it. Here are some tips on how you understand if a text it’s good enough and how you convince your client that is worthwhile having a copywriter do the job.