Product Management UX/UI & Interacion Blog — Frank derFrankie Neulichedl


The Evolution of the Title Bar Buttons | Placeit Blog

I love history - and computer inteface history is even better. This great blog post about the icons we use to manage windows in operating systems is full of animated gifs and guide you through the evolution of the Title Bar Buttons.

The Evolution of the Title Bar Buttons - Placeit Blog
We wanted to discover the complete evolution of the title bar buttons. So we set out on a journey through GUI's to pinpoint exactly how they started.

Ex-Googler Builds A Github For Designers | Co.Design | business + design

Good writeup about this new service. Looks promising and I will share my upcomming free projects here. Already got some ideas. So follow me at

Ex-Googler Builds A Github For Designers
Pixelapse is built on a simple, radical premise: I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

Share: The Icon No One Agrees On - BOLD by Pixelapse

Maybe one of the most complete collection of thoughts around the sharing icon variety. And a nice discussion in the comments - what is not that common.

Share: The Icon No One Agrees On
And why iOS 7's icon is nicknamed the "uploader" - What do each of these symbols have in common? They are all trying to convey the exact same action - share! Sharing to a social network or via email is a ubiquitous action nowadays but designers have still not been able to reach a consensus on what symbol to use to represent it. Not only does each major platform use a different icon, but they've each witnessed changes over the years.I have spent ...

Extend your website with usefull sharing

Sharing Buttons seem so 2006 but we still add them on websites - for the eventuality of virality. There are some scenarios where you what to share content - mostly content bits. On AndroidPit we added sharing to App Questions, because those are relatively small content bits which people want to share.

Another strategy is the one the Guardian uses - offer sharing when you select text. Great idea, but you need for sure some on-boarding to make this feature discoverable.

#ux #ft #link

Originally shared by +Wolfgang Blau

by the way: select any word or sentence on the new Guardian site and you can tweet or email it right away.
see at
Thx to Richard Nguyen and +Cantlin Ashrowan


Material Design Implementation Clarification

There is still some discrepancies between the Guidelines, Checklists and the actual Google Apps, but these slideshow helps close a couple of gaps - especially in the typography realm.

Check it out.

#link #materialdesign #fixed

Originally shared by +Chris Banes

Papercraft: Material design + Implementation

Here are the slides to the talk +Nick Butcher and I just gave at +droidcon London.


In Album Papercraft: Material design + Implementation

Google Analytics integration Demo Site

Want to build a dashboard for all your Websites running Google Analytics? Want to embed some stat in a online report for your CEO - I think here you can find the right examples.

#link #Google #googleanalytics

Originally shared by +Google Analytics

Discover the Google Analytics Platform

We've just launched a brand new site to showcase many of our most popular Google Analytics demo and tools. The entire site is open sourced, uses public APIs, and is available on GitHub. Check it out and let us know what you think at:


Link your website to your brand new Google+ Page

Easy as usual and now that just a couple of hours after the announcement everyone can create pages you might also link your website to this page. The icon used for the badge is actually not the black Google+ Icon we are used to now, but a red one - black for people and red for pages?

Now this is more than just a badge to put on your homepage next to Facebook and Twitter, but the tool also provides a link to put in your HTML Header to identify the website as a publisher and link it to that page.

I assume this will be used for display in search results on Google like it is done now for selected authors. I also am curious to see if there will be conflicts between author tags and publisher tags ... maybe both will be shown.

But the opportunity to het immediate followers on search results is great and makes sense.

#googleplus #design #microformat #link #pages

Embedded Link

Link your Google+ page to your site - Google+ Platform — Google Developers Google+ Platform. Overview; Plugins. +1 Button. Configuration Tool. Badge. Configuration Tool. Hangouts. Writing Apps; Running Apps; API Reference; Release Notes. API. People. get; search; listByActiv...

Google+: View post on Google+