Easy as usual and now that just a couple of hours after the announcement everyone can create pages you might also link your website to this page.
The icon used for the badge is actually not the black Google+ Icon we are used to now, but a red one - black for people and red for pages?
Now this is more than just a badge to put on your homepage next to Facebook and Twitter, but the tool also provides a link to put in your HTML Header to identify the website as a publisher and link it to that page.
I assume this will be used for display in search results on Google like it is done now for selected authors. I also am curious to see if there will be conflicts between author tags and publisher tags ... maybe both will be shown.
But the opportunity to het immediate followers on search results is great and makes sense.
#googleplus #design #microformat #link #pages
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Link your Google+ page to your site - Google+ Platform — Google Developers
Google+ Platform. Overview; Plugins. +1 Button. Configuration Tool. Badge. Configuration Tool. Hangouts. Writing Apps; Running Apps; API Reference; Release Notes. API. People. get; search; listByActiv...
Google+: View post on Google+