Product Management UX/UI & Interacion Blog — Frank derFrankie Neulichedl

Google Presentations up their game

Designers might want to add layout templates for Google Presentations to the brand standards they deliver to their clients. I find myself helping clients move to Google Apps for their Email and basic Office needs - the only part missing until now was a valid Powerpoint alternative.

I will have to try the new functions and see if it has offline capabilities ... that would be killer - especially for client presentations with a tablet.

Does anyone else have alternatives to Google Presentations?

#Google #Apps #Presentation #Powerpoint

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Official Google Blog: A fresh start for Google presentations A fresh start for Google presentations. 10/18/2011 08:00:00 AM. A year and a half ago, we released completely new document, spreadsheet and drawing editors. Google Docs has been picking up speed ever ...

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Why Feature Selection is so important - The Case Remember the Milk

I read a lot about the importance of "less" features and better experience. The mobile first movement comes to mind and I can totally see that it makes sense to not get caught in a Featuremania, but sometimes one feature is more than important, even though it's small. Example: How Remember the Milk (a popular Todo-List App) got me back to their service

Remember the Milk has a lot of features, actually it had all the features I needed - Super Easy Task property input through shortcodes, Locations, Web Interface, Mobile App with Widgets, Automatic Syncing etc. but one ... You couldn't create a new task with the Android Share Menu from another App. This feature would have been super easy to implement and a small update would have fixed this.

The developer preferred to make a complete overhaul of the Android App (without telling anyone) and didn't update the App for months.

This made me look for other solutions and try about 10 other services and get really frustrated. Not only because the user experience was different with other services, but mostly because they where lacking one or another feature I used to love on RTM (Remember The Milk).

I settled for Google Tasks and a nice Mobile App to manage them, even though it lacked a nice web interface and the ease of adding Task properties with shortcodes - but it had the feature I was looking for - the Add Task through the "share menu" in Android.

And here comes the update to the Android App of RTM today ... a lot of bells and whistles and improved use experience, but more important for me ... the share functionality is included.

So I'm back on my favourite Todo-List App/Web Service ...

What I learned Designers are often focused on the experience and try to simplify the functionality to make a slick web/mobile app - but sometimes the little bit more on functionality is more important than the updated icon or slicker dashboard screens

#RTM #UX #Design #Development

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The ginormous Remember The Milk for Android update - Remember The Milk Blog ARCHIVES. October 2011; September 2011; August 2011; July 2011; June 2011; May 2011; April 2011; March 2011; February 2011; January 2011; December 2010; November 2010. View all archives, October 2011,...

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Google Places Listing as service to your Small Business Clients

To all freelancer building websites for small businesses. For you it's easy to add them to Google Places, so offer it as a service to your clients. The benefits to them will be in the long run. It's not just for mobile usage - Google Places results are shown on the desktop as well and is easy SEO.

#smb #clientservice #seo

Reshared post from +Sam Denton

Making Your Small Business Known to Google

The other night I posted some photographs from a Halloween party at the home of some friends of my family. They run a small business from their home and, as a favor, I thought that I'd check in at that business, but they did not show up on Google's list of places where I could check in.

Then over the weekend, my friend +Philip Newell noted that he had visited the August A. Busch Memorial Conservation Area. While there, he wanted to check in at a local outfitter but they, too, did not show up on the list of places, and he was wondering, "Why not?"

So I decided to investigate. Google has three programs for businesses wishing to advertise themselves. The simplest one is also free, registration with Google Places. However, it is the business owner's responsibility to register. Below, I have copied instructions for how to do so from the Google Places website. Once registered, it should show up as a place where Google+ users can check in. If you own a business, you probably know the basics. You can add extras like photos and descriptions if you have them handy, or come back to add them later. At the end of the sign-up, we'll ask you to verify your submission by phone or postcard. We do this to make sure that only the right people are able to change any public data about your business.

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DesignPodcast of the week

No time for reading about Design? Want to get an insight what designers/developers/artists think about their work directly from their voice? Why not listen to some design podcasts. I often feel that written interviews are edited versions of the voice of designers - interpretations of the designers thought by writers and editors. In podcast interviews I can not only hear the voice but also get an idea about the character and the importance of a subject to a designer - it's a real conversation after all. I will share weekly a podcast who inspires me to do better work and/or think differently about my work.

First off a very popular one - Design Matters with Debbie Millman Design Matters with Debbie Millman is a thought-provoking internet podcast, which profiles industry-leading graphic designers, change agents, artists, writers and educators.

Although very popular I just found out about this great interview series - take you time to listen also to the archive. Here are the links - Enjoy: - - - Podcast Subscription URL:

#podcast #design #interview #inspiration #education

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Design Matters Archive: Observer Media: Design Observer

09.23.11. Jessica Hische In this podcast interview with Debbie Millman, Jessica Hische discusses her attachment to the internet, the differences between being a letterer and a type designer and workin...

Google+: View post on Google+

What is still a pain for most web designers? Test a website in multiple browsers...

This is even more a pain if your are a freelancer and don't want to buy multiple licenses of Windows/OSX/Etc. There are many tools out there who take screenshots, but this new one is one step further.

An easy to use interface loads virtualized Windows/Mac/etc instances with the browser running. That means you can test hoover and real interaction of the website in the chosen browser. Great and cheap.

#webdesign #testing #browser

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Cross-Browser Testing Tool - BrowserStack Online way to test your website for browser compatibility. All versions of IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Opera. Fix issues instantly.

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Great new fonts available at Typekit ... I looove FF Nexus

#font #webfont #typekit

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New FontFont web fonts Today, even more FontFont web fonts are available to host on Typekit: the FF Nexus superfamily, FF Karbid (in several optical styles), and FF Signa Serif. And augmenting your Typekit library subscr......

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Interesting Design, Mobile, Developer Links August 2011

  • Frank Neulichedl - Google+
    I'm a great fan of Evernote, so this was actually one of the first things I
  • Frank Neulichedl - Google+
    I'm not only a big graphic design lover, but also a podcast and audiobook f
  • Frank Neulichedl - Google+
    Interesting read... - Interesting read... I personally think that Twitter succeded where RSS failed - quick informa...

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Does our client know what content is? 6 Steps to better content!

Everybody talks about content and content strategy, but does the client actually understand you when you talk to him about content?

Interesting Design, Mobile, Developer Links July 2011


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What is the target group of your own portfolio website

Ever wondered at an job interview why they ask you the wrong questions? As freelancer you get only projects you are not interested in? People always refer you as the technical/programmer guy, not the designer? Maybe your portfolio website targets the wrong audience.

Weekly Links June 17, 2011

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Weekly Links June 10, 2011

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Using Podcasts to learn while working

I use podcasts to learn while I work. I listen to design talks, keynotes, interviews and news from science, culture and some entertainment. Especially during the tasks every designer can do without thinking (photo retouching, filling in content, corrections) are the ideal activities to up your game by staying in touch with the latest developments. Even though graphic and web design are visual media, the most important part in my opinion about design is not visual - the mindset and the different approaches behind design solutions. In the old days it was really difficult to get the inside view of designers because not many had the opportunity to publish books or discuss their point of view in a magazine. Design Blogs fill this space a little bit but mostly podcasts can give you the opportunity to hear what designers think in their own words.

For a selection of interesting Podcasts about design subscribe my Huffduffer Channel - available as RSS or Subscribe in iTunes

To give you a further starting point for the design podcasts I listen I publish here my Subscription list from Google Reader (if you want you can even subscribe to it) - this list will update itself automatically.

Photo by Melvin Gaal (

5 reasons a designer should graduate college

More and more I hear influential people talking about graduating college as a waste of time. There are even "scholarships" for not attending college. I think this is the wrong direction to go and here are my five reasons why a designer should graduate a college or university.