Brainstorming is the most popular creativity tool - and most people do it completely wrong. Some do it partly wrong and other s get the idea and evolve the tool to fit the culture of the team. The title of this article is misleading, because it's about the evolution of Brainstorming and a specific use case, but still worth reading.
#creativity #brainstorming #ideasworthspreading #teamwork
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Innovation Is About Arguing, Not Brainstorming. Here’s How To Argue Productively Turns out that brainstorming--that go-to approach to generating new ideas since the 1940s--isn’t the golden ticket to innovation after all. Both Jonah Lehrer, in a recent article in The New Yorker, an...
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Comments (4)
and to make it more complicated - even if you don't have an agenda beyond making a better product/campaign/... your co-workers might think you have if they don't trust you.And trust not just in a professional way - this is why I keep work and private life mostly separate.
yes that's what I think. I know some people who would do the former, and others who would the latter. Everyone would have to buy into it, or it will not work.
It boils down to: do you trust that your co-worker makes an argument for the sake of getting a better result, or to for his own agenda.
A brilliant concept. I agree whole heartily. We often learn most when we argue. I think in workplace you'd have to have certain culture and type of person who can cope with this strategy. Ego can be a painful thing and a massive obstacle to this kind of process.